
Infant Sleep

Little Bird provides Sleep Consulting and Doula Services to prenatal and postpartum mothers, their partners, and their infants. Our services are geared towards newborns and infants up to 18 months+.

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Recommended for 0-3 months

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Ideal for getting newborns off to a great start towards healthy sleep habits. We create healthy routines from the very beginning which will prevent future sleep challenges. This gives you the knowledge, tools, and confidence to establish a good sleep foundation for your baby.


  • Preliminary Sleep Questionnaire & Evaluation

  • 60 minute virtual consultation

  • A detailed newborn sleep plan

  • 3 follow-up email exchanges during the first 12 weeks of your little one’s arrival


Recommended for 4-18 months


Ideal for infants who have trouble falling asleep on their own or who wake-up frequently throughout the night. We will remove all sleep props, teach them to fall asleep independently, and improve daytime naps and nighttime sleep.


  • Preliminary Sleep Questionnaire & Evaluation  

  • 60 to 90 minute virtual consultation

  • Evaluation of the sleeping environment

  • Customized written sleep plan and strategy 

  • Daily sleep log review and feedback

  • 2 weeks of follow-up support


Recommended for 18 months+

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Ideal for toddlers having difficulty transitioning from a crib to a bed, or still waking frequently during the night, or adjusting to a new sibling. This package is also great in preparing your child for daycare or preschool. 


  • Preliminary Sleep Questionnaire & Evaluation  

  • 60 to 90 minute virtual consultation

  • Evaluation of your child’s sleeping environment

  • Customized written sleep plan and strategy 

  • Daily sleep log review and feedback

  • 3 weeks of follow-up support

There is a package for every family & budget. If you have something else in mind or don’t see something that applies to you we are happy to create a custom package.


Additional Investment


Upgrade any package for an additional 3 hours in home support. This includes supporting parents through the first bedtime using our recommendations. We will help you implement the schedule and provide demonstrations to ensure you are on the right path from the beginning. 


Upgrade any package for an additional 6 hours in home support. This is a high support coaching package which is most often the choice of parents who are overtired and would like in-person, step-by-step guidance when implementing their sleep plan.


Upgrade any package for an additional 12 hours in home support. This package is extremely popular for first time parents who are in need of a little extra guidance. This is a very personalized addition to any of the above packages and will give parents the confidence and knowledge moving forward. 



This program is for those of you that who worked with us in the past and have run into a few bumps along the road. If you need advice on any changes in your child’s sleep habits or are introducing a new or expecting a sibling. 

  • One 30 minute phone call

  • 3 emails over 10 days


Additional Investments

  • 15 min phone support

  • 30 min phone support

  • 60 min phone support

  • 3- day email support