
Doula Services

Little Bird provides Sleep Consulting and Doula Services to prenatal and postpartum mothers, their partners, and their infants. Our mission is to empower parents by giving you the tools and knowledge through one-on-one sleep coaching to help your child sleep independently while matching the unique needs and values of your family.

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Why Hire a Birth Doula?

As a birth doula I provide emotional support, physical comfort measures, and an objective viewpoint to my clients. I stay with my mommas throughout every stage of their labor helping to make the birth experience as rewarding and satisfying as possible. My goal is ensuring the women’s or couples birth plan is acknowledged and followed as much as possible. It is my job to facilitate communication between the labouring woman, her partner, and her clinical care providers. 

Why Hire a Postpartum Doula?

As a Postpartum Doula I offer education, companionship, and non-judgemental support during the postpartum fourth trimester—first 3 weeks to 3 months of a newborns life. I assist with newborn care, family adjustment, meal preparation and light household tidying. It is my job to offer evidence-based information on infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery from birth, infant soothing and coping skills for new parents, and to make appropriate referrals when necessary. 

For more detailed information on Doula support, services provided, and what to expect please fill out our contact form.

“Whenever and however you intend to give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body and your spirit for the rest of your life.”
— Ina May Gaskin